Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!! ❤❤❤
Behind every great person there is also someone very special and dear who knew, loved and admired them like nobody else ever could. These people are their mothers.
These are the portraits of some of them:
Lyubov' Rachmaninova (maiden name - Butakova), Rachmaninoff's mother. Photo source: www.senar.ru
Alexandra Assiyer (1812 - 1854), Tchaikovsky's mother.
Photo source: https://www.proza.ru/2014/12/27/704
Evgeniya Glinka, Glinka's mother.
Photo source: www.den-za-dnem.ru
Maria Prokofieva, Prokofiev's mother.
Photo source: https://www.moi-goda.ru
Happy Mother's Day Everyone!!!
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