Today is the Birthday of Sergey Prokofiev born on April 23rd 1891!
Today is the Birthday of Sergey Prokofiev born on April 23rd 1891! Photo source: www.rbth.com #operasinger #operasingers #opera...

Quote Of The Month
#operasinger #operasingers #opera #russianopera #russiansong #russianartsong #classicalsinging#classicalsinger #classicalsinger...

Quote Of The Month
Image source: www.syl.ru #operasinger #operasingers #opera #russianopera #russiansong #russianartsong #classicalsinging#classicalsinger...

N.Rimsky-Korsakov: from Marine Officer to a Conservatory Professor
Nikolaj Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov became a composer having almost no musical education. His family lived in a small town and, hoping...

🎉Today we celebrate Rimsky-Korsakov's 175th birthday!!! 🎉
🎉Today we celebrate Rimsky-Korsakov's 175th birthday!!! 🎉 This whole week Russian for Singers will keep writing about his amazing life,...

❄ Snowmaiden ❄
This week Russians are celebrating the Maslenitsa Festival (also known as the Wide Pancake Week). This is a week of fun and plenty of...

Quote Of The Month
#operasinger #operasingers #opera #russianopera #russiansong #russianartsong#classicalsinging #classicalsinger...