"Alexander Nevsky" - Cantata and Film
Sergey Prokofiev commissioned his cantata "Alexander Nevsky" in 1939 based on the music he wrote for S.Eisenstein's iconic film...
Prokofiev's cantata "Alexander Nevsky" with the Sydney Conservatorium Choir
It was my great pleasure to be coaching the Sydney Conservatorium Choir for their performance of Prokofiev's cantata "Alexander...
Thank you for an Amazing Concert!!!
It has been a fantastic concert last night which proved that Russian music 1) can be performed very well by non-Russian speaking singers...
Rimsky-Korsakov's Art Songs at Sydney Conservatorium of Music
Dear Friends! We are proud to invite you to our special event - the recital dedicated to Rimsky-Korsakov's Art Songs on May 16 2018 at...
Russian Art Song: Rimsky-Korsakov Concert at the Sydney Conservatorium (Student concert). Free Entry
The works of Rimsky-Korsakov (1844 - 1908) are both unique and hugely influential for Russian music. Starting to seriously study music...
Our First Concert at the Sydney Art Song Society
What a beautiful concert of Rimsky-Korsakov's music we had last Sunday at the Sydney Art Song Society!!! During this session singers were...