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Russian Songs and Arias for Bass

On this page, you will be able to find sheet music for Russian opera arias and art songs for Bass

For each song please check out our unique scores:



Diction scores include sheet music with IPA phonetics, literal (word for word) translation and grammatically correct translations all incorporated into one score


FULL SONG PACKS (Recommended) 

Diction score (sheet music with IPA phonetics and translations), Diction audio guide recorded by a Russian native speaker, Music coaching audio guide (Voice line + piano line), Rehearsal backing track (Piano line only) 



All our scores are TRANSPOSABLE. If you need a different key or if you cannot find the song you are looking for, please send us a request by email: and we will prepare it for you.



All prices are stated in USD.



Each song's description contains information on its range and links to recordings.

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